

基本商品価格: 58円

This Book is sold as a Book that is shipped to the customer or as a Download.

Only the Book itself is on Special. The Downloadable versions are not on Special.

This Book under Categories/Products is set to:

Product Priced by Attributes: Yes
Products Price: 0.00
Weight: 0

An Option Name of: Version (type is dropdown)

Option Values of: Book Hard Cover

Download: MAC English

Download: Windows English

The Attributes are set as:
Option Name: Version
Option Value: Book Hard Cover
Price Prefix is blank
Price: 52.50
Weight Prefix is blank Weight: 1
Include in Base Price When Priced by Attributes Yes
Apply Discounts Used by Product Special/Sale: Yes

Option Name: Version
Option Value: Download: MAC English
Price Prefix is blank
Price: 20.00
Weight: 0 Include in Base Price When Priced by Attributes No
Apply Discounts Used by Product Special/Sale: No

Option Name: Version
Option Value: Download: Windows: English
Price Prefix is blank
Price: 20.00
Weight: 0
Include in Base Price When Priced by Attributes No
Apply Discounts Used by Product Special/Sale: No

It is on Special for $47.50


  • 商品型番:Book
  • 1000 在庫数




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